"Song Go On..."
"Song go on, touch the part of me that's closed to all, save music,
Find the voice that's silent, yet can sing.
Make of me a vessel, holding melody's reward,
Savoring the sounds that unlock hearts.
Strike my soul with tones to lift men's minds.
Song go on -- and make me whole."
-Sandra Chapman, Fort Madison, Iowa
Now is the time to make a tax-deductible contribution to the ICDA Endowment, Inc.
Here’s what you need to know about tax deductions for charitable donations:
(information taken from thebalance.com)
How does the income tax deduction for a charitable donation work?
If you itemize deductions on your tax return, you may be able to take an income deduction for a gift to a qualified charitable organization. All taxpayers are entitled to a standard deduction, and it is only when you exceed that deduction that itemizing pays off.
When can a charitable contribution deduction be taken?
Your donation to a qualified charity is deductible the same year in which it is made. The contribution is considered paid when you put the check in the mail, or when it is charged to your credit card (not when you pay the
credit card company). Make sure that your donation is made by December 31 of the year in which you plan to claim a deduction.
What charitable organizations are considered qualified?
Most charitable organizations qualify for tax-deductible donations, but not all. Look for the 501c3 designation to be sure. ICDA is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
What documentation is required for deductions for charitable contributions?
To claim a deduction for cash, check, or other monetary gift, you must have written confirmation from the charity. Charities are required to provide written acknowledgment for gifts of over $250. For gifts of less than $250 a cancelled check or a bank record will suffice.
Continue to give generously to the endowment, consider it an annual pledge to the future of our profession!
About the Foundation
The poem above was written by Iowa music educator, Sandra Chapman of Fort Madison. Sandy knew well the transformative power music has over the minds and hearts of young performers and their audiences. A great challenge is looming on the horizon for those of us in the music education field. Increasing demands on classroom teachers are occurring as uncertain economic times may threaten to cut staff, facilities and programs. In the coming years a large number of teachers will retire from the profession and many positions will need to be filled. The training, mentoring and encouragement of this new group of music educators is an important matter, one in which we all can have a part. The “song must go on” and we can assist in carrying it into the future.
In 2004, ICDA established the ICDA Endowment, Inc., a permanent savings vehicle for our nonprofit institution. Any interest earned in this fund is not subject to tax, and all donations are tax-deductible. As a general rule, principle funds will remain invested and only the interest will be spent. The ICDA Endowment, Inc. is managed by a committee comprised of the Executive Committee (President, President-Elect, Past President and Secretary/Treasurer) as well as other ICDA members.
Please consider making a contribution to the future of choral music in our state. Together, let us work to insure that the “song will go on.”